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King Research Barbicide Spacide Complete Gal.

• D I S I N F E C TA N T
• V I R U C I D E *
• F U N G I C I D E (against pathogenic fungi)
• M I L D E W STAT (on hard, non-porous inanimate surfaces)
• D E O D O R I Z E R
• K I L L S G E R M S

Barbicide Spacide Complete is a one step neutral disinfectant that is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, is virucidal (including HIV-1, HIV-2, HBV, and HVC) and inhibits the growth of mold and mildew and their odors when used as directed.

Barbicide Spacide Complete is a no rinse neutral pH disinfectant cleaner that disinfects, cleans and deodorizes in one labor-saving step.


Barbicide Spacide Complete is a phosphate-free, pH neutral formulation designed to provide effective cleaning, deodorizing and disinfection for hospitals, nursing homes, households, homes, private residences, schools, food processing plants, food service establishments, retail business, athletic/recreation facilities, sports stadiums, amphitheaters and convention centers where housekeeping is of prime importance in controlling cross-contamination from treated surfaces.

For use in:
  • Health clubs, spas, tanning spas, massage/facial salons, hair/nail salons, barber/beauty shops, tattoo parlors.
  • Hospitals, nursing homes, medical and dental offices and clinics, operating rooms, isolation wards and medial research facilities.
  • Institutional facilities, laboratories.
  • Institutions, schools & colleges, classrooms, athletic facilities and locker rooms.
  • Veterinary clinics, animal life science laboratories, kennels, grooming establishments and other animal care facilities.
  • Boats, ships and airplanes.
Barbicide Spacide Complete, when used as directed, is formulated to disinfect the following hard non-porous inanimate environmental surfaces: floors, walls, metal surfaces, stainless steel surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, plastic surfaces, vanity tops, shower stalls, bathtubs and cabinets.
  • Non-food contact glass, metal, stainless steel, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic, sealed fiberglass, sealed granite, sealed marble, plastic, chrome and vinyl.
  • Tables, chairs, desks, bed frames, walls, cabinets, doorknobs and garbage cans.
  • Telephones.
  • Non-Food contact counter tops, sinks, refrigerator exteriors, coolers, freezer exteriors, stove-tops, appliances, non-food contact equipment, shelves, racks and carts.
  • Shower Stalls, shower doors and curtains, tubs and glazed tiles, toilets, urinals, porcelain tile and restroom fixtures.
  • Kennels and cages.
  • Windows and Mirrors.
  • For larger areas such as operating rooms and patient care facilities Barbicide Spacide Complete is designed to provide both general cleaning and disinfecting.
    BB55401  Barbicide Spacide Complete, 1 gallon   $52.00 
Divina PediClear, Disinfectant Crystals For Pedicure Spas

Pediclear is the first EPA registered, chlorine and toluene-free, one-step disinfectant specifically for foot spas. It achieves cleaner water because it actually disinfects (kills 99.999% of bacteria in 30 seconds) and not just sanitizes (99.9% in 10 minutes).

Pediclear disinfects and oxidizes in one-step, reducing the maintenance and turnaround time between clients. It also doesn't need to be pH neutralized. And since it is nearly pH neutral, Pediclear causes less irritation and less damage than other acidic or caustic products commonly used.

Pediclear is a consistent, low-cost disinfectant with a very long shelf like. You only need 2-grams of Pediclear per 5 to 8 gallons of water. That means that a 1 lb. bottle will give you 226 applications.

Unlike many other products currently being used, Pediclear does not produce noxious odors, so your customer's enjoyment and pleasure is increased with clean, clear, sparkling water.

What does EPA registration mean to you?  click here

  DPEDICLEAR-8        Divina PediClear 8 oz. (1/2 pound)    $28.00
  DPEDICLEAR        Divina PediClear 16 oz. (1 pound)    $45.00

Divina Spa Essential, Jet Line Cleaner 16 oz.

Jet Line cleaner is specifically designed to keep your spa and jetted tub plumbing clear of any organics, oils, dirt, scale and biofilm. Additionally Jet Line cleaner is virtually non-foaming and will  not harm your equipment.

  DJETLINE        Divina Jet Line Cleaner, 16 oz.    $6.98


Divina Spa Essential, All-Purpose Cleaner, 32 oz.

All-Purpose cleaner eliminates mineral deposits, waterline scum and other organic stains on acrylic shells, Corian, padding and other accessories. Comes with a spray pump.

  DALLCLEAN        Divina All-Purpose Cleaner, 32 oz.    $6.98

Pedistil Pedicure Foot and Leg Rest

Features contoured surfaces for ultimate client comfort. Sturdy construction-contoured bottom conforms to rim of tub. Water and chemical resistant. Easy to clean and sanitize. Lightweight and portable.

   TC2300        Pedistil, Foot & Leg Rest    $22.88


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